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GPAS Definitions - Stakeholder and Practice Level Guide






This implies low level of pressure; the practice is appropriately staffed and there is sufficient capacity to meet patient demand and expectations. GPs in the practice are working to BMA recommended safe working limits.

The GREEN state is sustainable in the long term.

Patient Demand

Demand Being met with waiting times at an acceptable level.

Staff Levels

Balanced and Sustainable.


This indicates the practice is under moderate pressure. The practice is unable to fully meet patient demand or expectations. GPs in the practice are likely to be working beyond BMA recommended safe working limits meaning some patient demand cannot be met by the practice.

This is unsustainable in the long term without action.

The system must consider positive action to support a return to GREEN as soon as possible

Patient Demand

Waiting times extended but tolerable.

Staff Levels

Some shortages but tolerable in the medium term.


This indicates the practice is under severe pressure and although it may be able to run safely for a very limited period, immediate action is required to mitigate the situation.

The GPs in the practice are continuously working beyond BMA recommended safe working limits and significant levels of patient demand cannot be met by the practice

The system must take immediate, positive action to support a return to the GREEN state

Patient Demand

Compromised with insufficient bookable appointments and telephony possibly overwhelmed.

Staff Levels

Significant shortages impacting upon operational delivery.


The practice is unable to provide safe care and there is a risk of service failure. Without intervention, it is likely the practice will be forced to close. The practice would be expected to declare this state to the commissioner and seek guidance from the LMC.


In the unlikely event this reaches county level the system has failed!

Three assessment criteria at Alert State RED

No ability to revert to AMBER or GREEN in the short term.



























Updated on Monday 1 August 2022, 2376 views