Kent LMC Weekly Update: 4th December 2023
Welcome to this week’s edition of the LMC Express. The local updates for this week include:
- Reminder: Workforce and Wellbeing Programmes: Mental Health First Aid (MHFA)
- GP Appointments in Kent & Medway October 2023
- General Practice Alert State (GPAS) National Reporting Dashboard
- Paediatric Winter Emergencies in Practice – Best Practice Forum Webinar 12th December 2023
- Useful Links
- Upcoming LMC Interface Meetings
This week we have also attached the national update from the BMA, and we particularly draw your attention to the following important announcements therein:
- Have your say on the future of general practice
- Preparation for any future ballot
- Locum GPs reporting reduced opportunities
- LMC England conference 2023 update and resolutions
- eDec Submission deadline – Friday 1st December
- Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism
- GP pressures and workforce data
- Shingles technical guidance
- MMR Catch-up campaign
- What can we learn from innovation in general practice
- UHUK Awareness Campaign – Winter 2023-24
- Wellbeing resources
- Survey on how to prevent and reduce violence towards NHS staff
- Undergraduate GP Placement Survey