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Covid-19 Vaccination: Videos and Infographics in different languages

Patient videos in different languages for COVID-19 vaccination programme Colleagues in West Yorkshire have produced some short videos in alternative languages to help people understand more about the coronavirus vaccine and what it means for them. These are recorded by GPs and are based on the patient leaflets produced by Public Health England to make sure patients get consistent information.

The videos, available on YouTube , are aimed at helping people over the age of 80, for whom English may not be their first language, have the right information about the vaccine in a way that is meaningful and easy to understand. It is hoped that these videos will help to reassure and encourage our BAME communities to take up the offer of the vaccine when invited. At the moment these videos are available in English, Pashto and Urdu, but they are hoping to release other languages soon. Please share them with relevant patients, and local communities, who are being invited for the vaccine.

Covid-19 Infographics

A group of doctors, medical students and volunteers created infographics to help summarise key points about COVID-19 in a variety of languages to get the right information, in an easy to understand format, to these communities. Click HERE for further information.


Updated on Thursday, 25 November 2021, 977 views

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