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BMA Guidance: Refugee and Asylum Seeker Patient health toolkit

This guidance is for doctors who may be uncertain about the specific health needs and entitlement to different types of care of patients who are refugees and asylum seekers.

GMC Good Medical Practice Guidance

The GMC guidance is about fundamental ethical principles that most doctors will use every day, like Consent and Confidentiality. The link above also contains guidance that every doctor needs to know about and follow, even though they may not use it regularly in their day to day work: 0-18...

GP Contract 2024/25 – Contract Imposition

The 24/25 GP contract has been released, and for the third consecutive year has been imposed rather than negotiated. We are extremely disappointed by the Government's failure to recognise the impact that years of underfunding have already had on general practice leading to practices closing and...

New to Partnership Scheme Guidance 2021

If you are considering becoming a GP partner, or applying to the new to partnership scheme, then this is a simple guide through the application process. For full details please click HERE

NHS GP Contract

GMS Contract 2024/25 The letter from NHS England outlining the 2024/25 contract changes can be found HERE . Information about the 2024/25 GMS contract can be found HERE . The BMA Guidance in response to this contract can be found HERE . Primary Care Network DES 2024/25 Click HERE to access...

NHS Resolution State-Backed Indemnity Scheme for General Practice (April 2019)

From 1st April 2019, NHS Resolution will be operating a new state-backed indemnity scheme for general practice in England called the Clinical Negligence Scheme for General Practice (CNSGP). The announcement on general practice indemnity is included in Investment and evolution: A five-year...

Quality Outcomes Framework (QOF)

The Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) guidance for 2024/25 can be found at the link below: Quality and outcomes framework guidance for 2024/25

Salaried GP Pay Ranges and DDRB

Salaried GP pay ranges : Read about the salaried GP pay range which was established in 2004 with the model contract and each year is uplifted by the DDRB BMA - A new recommended pay range for salaried GPs in England The DDRB pay ranges for salaried GPs are flawed. Read about the ranges and the...

Statement of Fees and Entitlements (SFE)

These directions set out the legal framework under which GPs operate and are paid.