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Communicating with Patients

To help support your practice in communicating with your patients and avoid unnecessary patient contact with GPs, we have linked to various resources which you can download and print as leaflets/posters, use on your website, circulate via your social media channels and link via AccuRX and iPLATO.

  • While you are waiting for your Hospital Appointment
  • What to expect from your hospital appointment
  • What happens when you are referred by your GP to see a consultant privately
  • Prescriptions Issued after a private consultation
  • Kent & Medway GP Appointments
  • Use of Benzodiazepines (and related medications) for flying
  • Listening, Responding, Improving Leaflet
  • Listening, Responding, Improving Poster
  • Practice Based Complaints Policy & Procedure
  • Practice & Patient Charter
  • Housing Applications

Please click on the poster to download.

Waiting for Hospital Appointment Poster  What to expect from your hospital appointment  Private Consultant Referral P1  Medications for flying  Complaints Handling Leaflet March 23  Practice Based Complaints Policy & Procedure 2023  Complaints Poster 2023  Practice Charter 2023  GP Appointments May 2024 Housing Applications Prescriptions after Private Consult P1

Updated on Wednesday, 3 July 2024, 3732 views

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