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Practices must have a well-publicised complaints process or the handling and consideration of complaints. This may include:

  • information on the practice website
  • a leaflet and poster which is the simple version of the policy
  • a full working policy for practice staff reflecting the Regulations and local organisation.

A Practice’s arrangements for dealing with complaints must make sure they are:

  • dealt with efficiently;
  • properly investigated;
  • complainants are treated with respect and courtesy;
  • complainants receive, so far as is reasonably practical:
    • assistance to enable them to understand the procedure;
    • advice on where they may obtain assistance;
  • complainants receive a timely and appropriate response;
  • complainants are told the outcome of the investigation of their complaint; and
  • action is taken if necessary in the light of the outcome of a complaint.

To access our Listening Responding Improving leaflet, Practice Based Complaints Policy & Procedure leaflet and poster please click HERE

CQC details its expectations of how a service user can make a complaint and of how complaints are delt with at:

GP mythbuster 103: Complaints management - Care Quality Commission (


BMA Guidance: NHS Complaints Procedure
This link offers guidance and support to doctors who have had a complaint made against them by a patient.

MDU Guidance: I've had a complaint

MDDUS: Complaints - Core Principles

Medical Protection: Dealing with Complaints

NHS Choices Guidance: Managing Patient Feedback

Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman: Principles for Remedy


Updated on Monday 15 July 2024, 2213 views

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