Kent LMC Weekly Update: 16th October 2023
Welcome to this week’s edition of the LMC Express. The local updates for this week include:
- EROS update
- MCH Interface
- Intrauterine Device (IUD) Fitting Tariff
- General Practice Alert State (GPAS) National Reporting Dashboard
- Free Premises Surgery Session Kent LMC - Wednesday 22nd November 2023
- Reminder: Workforce and Wellbeing Programmes
- Diabetic Eye Screening Programme correspondence
- Kent and Medway Mid-Career GP Support
- Useful Links
- Upcoming LMC Interface Meetings
This week we have also attached the national update from the BMA, and we particularly draw your attention to the following important announcements therein:
- Accelerated Access to Records Programme update
- Update on negotiations relating to DDRB recommended 6% uplift
- New BMA guidance for sessional GPs
- DWP Fit note guidance