Primary Care Support England (PCSE)
Performers List for England
All Performers List processes are managed via PCSE Online. From applying to join, to updating personal details on your Performers List record, to applying for 24 hour retirement, you'll find useful information by clicking the link above.
GP Pensions
GPs who are members of the NHS Pensions Scheme as a GP Partner, Salaried GP or Locum GP, can now use PCSE Online for a number of administrative tasks including submitting End of Year pensions certificates and Self-Assessment forms.
Locum GPs
As a GP Locum, you can elect if you wish to pension individual periods of work. You can submit Locum A and B forms via PCSE Online. Use the link above to find out more about the online pensions service or to find out more about the current way to pay your pension contributions and to submit your Locum forms.
Other useful links to PCSE resources:
- PCSE YouTube Channel
- GP Payments and Pensions (GPPP) Guides
- GP Statements - Factsheet (explains practice statements in more detail, including answering your questions about claim rejections and how to query a payment line)
- PCSE Online User Management webpage
- PCSE 'Contact Us' webpage
- Premises and Locum Cover claims in PCSE Online - video