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Partners: Retiring and New

This page is used with kind permission by Wessex LMCs
gp leaver gp leaving gp joining new to practice leaving practice


Retiring Partners Checklist

Who to notify includes. .

  • The ICB
  • Primary Care Support England (PCSE)
  • CQC
  • Medical Defence Organisation
  • The practice accountant
  • Patients of their named GP as the retiring partner (this can be opportunistically)

There is a check list here that can be downloaded.

Retirement can take one of the following four options. . .

  • Retiring from the partnership and the Medical Performers List (MPL)
  • Retiring from the partnership, not taking 24 hour retirement and staying on the MPL to do non partnership work
  • Taking 24 hour retirement and returning to the partnership (still on the MPL)
  • Retiring from the partnership, taking 24 retirement and returning to non - partnership work (still on the MPL)

Remaining on the Performers List

When remaining on the performers list account needs to be taken of the following:

  • Changes to the NHS Scheme rules for a Flexible Retirement from 1st April 2023 allowed the permanent removal of the 16-hour rule from the 1995 Section. This option was already available to members with 2008 Section or 2015 Scheme benefits and now allows all members to take their pension benefits, return to work and work as many hours as they choose, as long as they’ve had a break of at least 24 hours from their previous job. There are amendments in light of Covid – up to date information can be found on our pensions page
  • Agreement must be obtained from the remaining partners regarding returning and the terms (this can sometimes cause issues) e.g. hours worked, voting rights etc.
  • The returning partner needs to make sure the agreement includes that they receive both elements of the superannuation payments on return (employees and employers)
  • It is a contractual right under GMS
  • The ICB should be consulted at the earliest opportunity and involved throughout
  • They may, of course, wish to remain on the performers list to undertake locum work

Partial Retirement

Changes to the NHS Pension Scheme for a Partial Retirement come into force from 1st October 2023. Enabling members with 1995 Scheme benefits to be able to claim their pension and work in a more flexible way, without having to leave their job. Taking part pension benefits is also sometimes known as ‘draw down’. This is already possible for pension benefits earned in the 2008 Section or 2015 Scheme but from 1 October 2023, it will also include any member with 1995 Section benefits. Members will be able to continue building their pension in the 2015 Scheme. They won’t need to take a break or change jobs. They can carry on working if they want. They just need to reduce their pensionable pay by 10%. GPs, non-GP providers, and dental practitioners need to reduce their NHS commitments by 10%.

PCSE Guide for GPs and non-GP partners planning to retire

The NHS Pension Scheme Retirement Guide for GPs and non GP partners, found here, explains the six key steps of the process NHS Pension Scheme members, whose pension contributions are administered by PCSE, need to follow if they wish to claim NHS Pension retirement benefits.

The guide also sets out the timeline for each of the steps in the process and includes some helpful Top Tips. We recommend that GPs and non-GP Partners read the guide in full, 12 months before the date they plan to retire.

PCSE recognise that the end-to-end process to claim NHS Pension retirement benefits is complex and they say are committed to improving the experience for GPs and non GP Partners at this important time.

The Performers List is now managed via PCSE Online . This process requires both practice and GPs to be signed up to PCSE Online. It is advisable for the GP to act to inform PCSE at least 4-6 months prior to the event. Problems often occur because the individual GP does not start the ball rolling earlier enough.

If you have any queries regarding this and you would like to speak with PCSE their contact number is: 0333 014 2884


New Partners Checklist

If a new partner is joining the practice the process to add the new partner should be started as soon as possible as the processes can take some time.

For CQC there is a lengthy process to follow so complete the form for an outgoing partner as soon as possible.

There is a New Partner check list which you may find useful here .

PCSE process guide for GP joiners and leavers


Updated on Tuesday, 13 February 2024, 1162 views

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