Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Checks and Updates
Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks: https://www.gov.uk/disclosure-barring-service-check/contact-disclosure-and-barring-service
Applying for a DBS check as a GP
As a GP you may need a DBS check to join a performers list or because you are working as a locum. The rules on DBS checks prevent you from applying for an enhanced check as an individual.
Application for a DBS as a pre-employment/appointment check
If you are a practice and need to carry out a DBS check on a current or prospective employee or partner then obtain the relevant forms to pass to the applicant to complete and return together with the relevant identification document.
Avon LMC are able to offer an online Disclosure and Barring Service with the added benefit of telephone support, helping the process to move more quickly and smoothly.
DBS Update Service
To avoid the complication of having to apply for a further certificate throughout your career we recommend that you sign up to the online update service. For £13 per year a copy of your DBS check will be kept up to date and online, and can be made available to future employers to check (Please note this must be applied for within 14 days of receiving a new DBS check): DBS Update Service - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)