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Managing Workload

About GPAS

General Practice Alert system (GPAS) - launched in September 2022 Hospital trusts use Operating Pressures Escalation Level (OPEL) to communicate their demand and capacity to the NHS systems. OPEL is used by the NHS system to identify where support is required in the short term, and where...

General Practice Alert State (GPAS) FAQs

The following questions have been developed to support the introduction of the General Practice Alert State or GPAS and is based on feedback obtained through one-to-one interviews and other general discussions with Practices that have been involved in the pilot programmes coordinated by the Kent...

GPAS Definitions - Stakeholder and Practice Level Guide

GPAS DEFINITIONS - STAKEHOLDER AND PRACTICE LEVEL GUIDE STATUS OVERVIEW CRITERIA GREEN This implies low level of pressure; the practice is appropriately staffed and there is sufficient capacity to meet patient demand and expectations. GPs in the practice are working to BMA recommended safe...

Managing Workload LMC Advice: School Certificates (July 2023)

School Medical Certificates The NHS service does not provide any payment for Occupational Health Service for patients and that means the only medical certificates that GPs are required to provide are set out in the GMS and PMS Contract. In essence that is the provision of a MED 3 to an...

Raising Concerns - Primary to Secondary Care Interface

Email addresses have been established for reporting breaches of the interface standards for both hospital and community contracts. For all EKHUFT GP liaison issues: For IC24 quality issues: For KMPT Clinical issues: