Coaching and Mentoring for all NHS staff
The NHS leadership academy offers free coaching and mentoring to all those providing NHS funded care. To find out how to apply for a mentor or coach, or to find further information, please see Coaching and Mentoring – South East Leadership Academy
The coaching and mentoring service also welcomes applications from accredited coaches or anyone interested in acting as to act as a mentor as part of this scheme and they can register through the website at Coaching and Mentoring Hub : NHS Leadership Academy
Help me, I'm a Doctor
Financial support for doctors and their families - bringing together five independent charities that can provide financial support for doctors when they need confidential financial assistance. These benevolent funds provide vital support to help doctors in genuine financial need get their lives and careers back on track.
NHS Practitioner Health
The NHS GP Health Service is a confidential NHS service for GPs and GP trainees in England. The GP Health Service can help doctors with issues relating to a mental health concern, including stress or depression, or an addiction problem, in particular where these might affect work. To read a letter from the Clinical Lead & Practitioner for NHS Practitioner Health please click HERE , or click on the link above to to to the NHS Practitioner Health website.
Doc Health: a new confidential support service for doctors
Doctors battling stress-related anxiety and depression will have access to a new specialist-led support service, a joint venture from the RMBF and the British Medical Association (BMA). It is a self-referral service available to all doctors in the UK, and aims to provide confidential, specialist-led support for those suffering with stress-related depression or anxiety. The programme will initially run as a 24-month pilot, and aims to complement existing support services such as BMA Counselling and the Doctor Advisor Service.
The Cameron Fund
The Cameron Fund is the only medical benevolent charity which solely supports general practitioners and their dependents. We provide support to GPs and their families in times of financial need, whether through ill-health, disability, death or loss of employment. We help those who are already suffering from financial hardship and those who are facing it.
The Sick Doctors Trust
The Sick Doctors Trust is an independent charitable trust, established in 1996. They provide early intervention and treatment for doctors suffering from addiction to alcohol or other drugs, thus protecting patients while offering hope, recovery and rehabilitation to affected colleagues and their families. The Trust welcomes enquiries from any source and are happy to take anonymous calls and to talk to colleagues or members of the family of a doctor who is experiencing problems. They operate a 24 hour telephone helpline on 0370 4445163 and are supported by donations from Kent LMC.
Royal Medical Benevolent Fund
The RMBF provides support for doctors and their families through all stages of their career and beyond. Our help ranges from financial assistance in the form of grants to a telephone befriending scheme for those who may be isolated and in need of support.
You Okay Doc? support Doctors' Mental Health
You Okay Doc? support Doctor's Mental Health through services like The Huddle, but also empowering Doctors' Wellbeing through bespoke mental and emotional health aids.
KCC Release the Pressure Mental Health Support
Free expert advice from trained counsellors is available for every mental health concern, including:
- anxiety
- depression
- low self-esteem
- money worries
- relationship troubles
- stress
- suicidal thoughts.
Training Hub support for wellbeing and resilience at work
Please click on the link below to see the training hub support available :