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Kent LMC Representatives Code of Conduct

This code of conduct refers to any interactions, live, virtual, or on social media. Any conflicts of interest should be reported to the LMC office. Our named lead for any issue or concerns, related to conduct, is Liz Mears at 
The post holder is expected to execute their role in line with our five behaviour principles. The following examples illustrate how we are using our behaviour principles to inform how we act:

Respect others:

  • Everyone has the right to contribute and should be encouraged to do so
  • Every contribution is valued
  • Listen to one another – do not interrupt
  • Be open to others’ ideas and opinions
  • Try to see things from the point of view of others
  • Be prepared to change your mind

Be professional:

  • Remember you are a doctor with expected professional behaviours
  • Prepare for meetings – read papers
  • Flag controversial issues with the chair beforehand to allow for extra time or debate
  • Attend and actively participate in meetings
  • Mentor and support new members

Be accountable:

  • State your case with clarity and brevity
  • Explain your decisions and actions to your constituents
  • Debate in private but support democratic decisions in public
  • Maintain confidentiality
  • Challenge constructively – consider the time, place and impact on others

Be representative:

  • Where possible, seek the views of those you represent on the issues that affect them
  • Where possible, share relevant information and feedback any outcomes which are not confidential to your constituents
  • Represent constituents’ views at meetings and when voting
  • Act in the best interests of members

Be kind:

  • Be welcoming
  • Criticise ideas, not people
  • Recognise positive behaviours
  • Challenge disrespectful behaviours
Updated on Thursday, 2 November 2023, 1639 views