Kent LMC Weekly Update: 6th March 2023
Welcome to this week’s edition of the LMC Express. The local updates for this week include:
- General Practice Appointment Data for Kent and Medway – January 2023
- Covid Vaccination - Spring Boosters
- Accelerated Access to GP-held patients records
- Advice for GPs for requests to prescribe sedative prior to dental procedures
- Improving Hypertension Treatment rates Kent and Medway
- GPAS Weekly SitRep
- Staff Changes Within Your Practice
This week we also have the national update from the BMA, attached, and we draw your attention to the following important announcements therein:
- 2023/2024 GP Contract Update Webinars
- GP Workload pressures and safe working guidance
- Junior Doctors' strike action - guidance for GP trainees and GP practices
- GP trainee visas
- GPC Elections
- Wellbeing