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Job Planning: GPC Guidance for GPs

Job plans are annual agreements that translate expectations of employee and employer into a working schedule. They ensure that the post delivers its aims and the requirements of the contract of employment are met, including provision for CPD.  They set out:

  • What work you do for the trust
  • When that work is done
  • Where it is done
  • How much time you are expected to be available for work
  • What this work will deliver for the employer, employee and patients
  • What resources are necessary for the work to be achieved
  • What flexibility there is around the above

Job planning is not just about agreeing a weekly timetable - it can be used to drive improvements in patient care.

The job planning process should be:

  • undertaken in a spirit of collaboration and cooperation
  • completed in good time
  • reflective of the professionalism of being a doctor
  • focused on measurable outcomes that benefit patients
  • consistent with the objectives of the NHS, the organisation, teams and individuals
  • clear about the supporting resources the trust will provide to ensure that objectives can be met
  • transparent, fair and honest
  • flexible and responsive to changing service needs during each job plan year
  • fully agreed and not imposed
  • focused on enhancing outcomes for patients whilst maintaining service efficiency
  • consistent with the principles set out in the Follett review, in the case of clinical academics

For further advice and guidance please click on the link below:


Updated on Wednesday, 17 July 2024, 3271 views

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